Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: What is AIVA Bot?

A: AIVA Bot is a powerful AI chatbot development platform designed to help businesses create custom AI chatbots to enhance customer interactions and streamline operations.

2. Q: How can AIVA Bot benefit my business?

A: AIVA Bot can benefit your business by providing instant responses to customer inquiries, improving customer service, reducing response times, and automating routine tasks.

3. Q: Is coding knowledge required to use AIVA Bot?

A: No, AIVA Bot is user-friendly and doesn't require coding skills. You can easily create and customize chatbots using our intuitive interface.

4. Q: Can I integrate AIVA Bot with my existing systems?

A: Yes, AIVA Bot offers integration options to connect with various platforms and systems, ensuring seamless operation within your existing setup.

5. Q: Is AIVA Bot secure and compliant with data privacy regulations?

A: Absolutely, we prioritize security and comply with data privacy regulations. Your data and interactions with AIVA Bot are protected.

6. Q: Can I customize the appearance and behavior of my chatbot?

A: Yes, AIVA Bot allows extensive customization, including chatbot appearance, behavior, and responses, to align with your brand and goals.

7. Q: What kind of support does AIVA Bot offer?

A: AIVA Bot provides comprehensive support, including tutorials, documentation, and a responsive customer support team ready to assist you.

8. Q: How can I track the performance of my AIVA Bot?

A: AIVA Bot offers analytics and reporting tools, enabling you to monitor user interactions, gather insights, and refine your chatbot's performance.

9. Q: Can AIVA Bot handle multiple languages?

A: Yes, AIVA Bot supports multiple languages, allowing you to engage with a global audience.

10. Q: What industries can benefit from AIVA Bot?

A: AIVA Bot is versatile and can benefit industries such as e-commerce, healthcare, finance, customer support, and more by improving customer engagement and efficiency.

11. Q: Is there a trial period for AIVA Bot?

A: Yes, we offer a trial period so you can experience the benefits of AIVA Bot before making a commitment.

12. Q: How can I get started with AIVA Bot?

A: Getting started with AIVA Bot is easy. Simply sign up, customize your chatbot, and integrate it into your website or platform.

13. Q: Can I upgrade or downgrade my AIVA Bot plan?

A: Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your plan to accommodate your business needs as they evolve.

14. Q: Are there any hidden fees with AIVA Bot?

A: No, we believe in transparent pricing. You'll only pay the agreed-upon subscription fee for your chosen plan.

15. Q: Can AIVA Bot assist with lead generation?

A: Absolutely, AIVA Bot can engage with website visitors, qualify leads, and collect valuable information to support your lead generation efforts.

16. Q: What types of channels can AIVA Bot be used on?

A: AIVA Bot can be integrated into websites, social media platforms, messaging apps, and more, allowing you to reach customers through various channels.

17. Q: Can I use AIVA Bot for internal processes, such as HR or IT support?

A: Yes, AIVA Bot can be adapted for internal use cases, such as HR inquiries, IT support, and employee onboarding.

18. Q: Is AIVA Bot compatible with mobile devices?

A: Yes, AIVA Bot is designed to work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices to reach your audience wherever they are.

19. Q: How does AIVA Bot handle complex queries?

A: AIVA Bot uses advanced natural language processing to understand and respond to complex queries, providing accurate and helpful answers.

20. Q: Can I export data collected by AIVA Bot?

A: Yes, you can export data collected by AIVA Bot to analyze and use for further insights and decision-making.

21. Q: What payment methods are accepted?

A: We accept all major credit and debit cards. Rest assured, your payment method is securely processed through Stripe for your privacy and protection.

22. Q: Is the content generated by AIVA original?

A: The content created by AIVA is derived from the content indexed in your project and the general language models supported by ChatGPT.

23. Q: What is the refund policy?

A: Our customers are on a month-to-month subscription, and they can cancel anytime.

24. Q: What's the quickest way to learn how to use AIVA?

A: Simply engage with our CustomGPT chatbot located in the bottom right corner. This chatbot has indexed all of our business content. If you still need assistance, don't hesitate to email us at:

25. Q: Does AIVA support multiple languages?

A: Yes, AIVA supports over 92 popular languages.

26. Q: Is there a free trial available?

A: Unfortunately, we do not currently offer free trials due to high demand and resource constraints. However, you can explore our demo or utilize the Livechat feature in the bottom right corner of this website to learn more about AIVA's capabilities.

Powered By ChatGbt

Fast | Effective | Efficient | Affordable

Your CustomGPT solution sits on top of the incredibly powerful OpenAI LLMs and ChatGPT-4. Streaming responses based on your content -
without making up facts. Even see the sources of the responses.

Powered by world’s most advanced ChatGPT-4 AI. We stay on top of OpenAI’s advances, so that you don’t have to.

Your 24/7 Virtual Assistant

  • AIVA, always incorporates the latest in AI technology. We handle everything from indexing and databases to APIs and relevance behind the scenes.

    As technology advances, so does AIVA - seamlessly and automatically! You no longer need to keep up with OpenAI APIs or manage your own infrastructure.

  • Fast responses for customer satisfaction and engagement. With ChatGPT-4 streaming, your customers receive immediate answers tailored to your business content.

  • You benefit from the inherent ethical safeguards of OpenAI APIs, and each response is generated within the bounds of your specific content.

  • We embed your AIVA bot easily in your Website or Livechat, with customized look & feel for your brand.
    The possibilities are endless for your business.

How will AIVA unlock your potential?

Transform your customer service with ChatGPT-powered virtual assistance and personalization. Automate and streamline the customer service process, freeing up staff to focus on more complex customer issues.

Elevate your customer engagement with lightning-fast responses. Deliver personalized answers to customer queries, minimizing response times and enhancing the overall customer experience and engagement. It's as if ChatGPT has mastered your entire business content.

Boost your helpdesk team's efficiency by 10X. Bid farewell to hours spent searching through documents. Empower your support staff with swift responses from your content, powered by ChatGPT. Expedite issue resolution for happier customers.

Drastically cut down research time within your PDF documents. Harness the collective knowledge of your entire business and teams through a custom chatbot powered by ChatGPT. Unlock valuable insights and enhance the efficiency of your employees and teams. No more need for keyword searches; simply request answers from your content.


Product Features

Custom chatbots using ChatGPT-4 technology and business content.

We train your custom Ai Bot on business websites, helpdesks, knowledge bases, public web content, etc.

Use PDF documents for Ai Bot training. We also can use Office documents (Word, PowerPoint), 1400+ document formats.

We use Youtube Videos, Audio Files/Podcasts/Voice Recordings.

We will Embed your Ai Bot Chat Widgets and Livechat for customer engagement.

We can customize chatbot logo, colors, background, etc for your brand.

Our Custom Ai Chat Bots Provide Multi-language support (92+ languages)

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